I'm missing Bryn Mawr today. This New Yorker cartoon by James Thurber reminds me of the antics I was up to last weekend in Karjat- swimming from one end of the lake to the other, hauling myself onto barges and boats, without any help, while loudly proclaiming that my brother should have been born the girl and me the boy! But what I'm missing today, more than the boisterousness, is the classroom. Those purely academic discussions on ideas that don't necessarily or directly translate into one's life but make the mind tick like crazy. Those ideas that linger long after the class is over, commanding you to be silent while it bounds around the walls of your mind. The ones that come back to you late at night, forcing you to log in to the class' blackboard and post the thoughts you've been having all day. I want to be trapped in my brain, not necessarily thinking or doing something that translates into a profession. sigh. I miss Bryn Mawr. Best four years of my life.
tayloe asked me how you were doing last night over dinner, and when i said you were busy but that was about all i knew, she reminded me about your blog, which i'd totally forgotten. glad to see you're keeping it! i've been spending a lot of time with all kinds of mawrtyrs lately (and more's to come this weekend), and it has also made me schoolsick. and with missing bmc comes missing you too, of course. let's talk this weekend, kay?
aww. how cool that tayloe remembered =) yes, let's talk this weekend... then we can be schoolsick together!
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